Tuesday, April 29, 2014

How Clean are Your Teeth?

Regular checkups and dental cleanings are a part of any good oral hygiene routine, and at Hoye Dental we provide dental care services of the highest quality to ensure that our patients’ smiles stay healthy year after year.

Dental cleanings involve the removal of plaque, which is a soft and sticky film of bacteria, and deposits of tartar that have built up on the teeth over time despite regular brushing and flossing. Because teeth are constantly bathed in saliva, which contains calcium and other substances to strengthen and protect teeth, tartar or calcium deposits can build up over time, and it can only be removed with the help of a dentist. If this tartar is not removed and allowed to accumulate, bacteria will be provided a perfect environment and thrive on the gums and teeth, which can cause cavities, infection and gum disease.

At-home brushing and cleaning are not enough to make sure teeth stay clean. Regular dental cleanings are required. We will clean and polish your teeth, leaving the surface clean and smooth. The smoother the teeth, the more difficult it is for bacteria to stick to them and the more effective at-home brushing will be.

We recommend checkups and dental cleanings every six months for optimum oral health. To schedule an appointment, call 508-823-1600 for our Taunton, MA office and 781-444-4647 for our Needham, MA office. For more information, visit www.HoyeDental.com.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Transform Your Smile with Veneers

If you’re unhappy with the way your teeth look, veneers are an effective method for reshaping and redesigning your smile. Whether your teeth have gaps, stains, cracks, chips or other issues, you can get the smile you’ve always wanted with veneers. Veneers are thin, ceramic shells that cover the existing tooth structure in your mouth, and Dr. Kathleen Hoye can use them to give you the smile you’ve always wanted.

Having veneers placed usually only takes two to three visits. During the first visit, you can discuss the shape and look of the smile you want to accomplish with the doctor, and then your teeth will be prepared. Dr. Hoye will prepare your teeth for veneers by removing some of the enamel. The amount removed will be nearly equal to the thickness of the veneers. This ensures that your smile will still feel natural and not bulky after the procedure.

Once the enamel has been removed, and impression is taken of your mouth so that the veneers can be fabricated to fit your existing teeth. This fabrication process takes between 10 to 14 days and is done in a laboratory of the highest standards. You will be provided with temporary veneers during your wait. Then the final veneers are bonded to your teeth to create an attractive smile that looks and feels natural.

To schedule an appointment with Hoye Dental in Taunton, MA, call 508-823-1600. Call 781-444-4647 for the Needham, MA office. For more information, visit www.HoyeDental.com.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

How Digital X-rays Help Us Provide Better Service

Advancements in dental technology have greatly improved the way that dentists practice, enriching every part of dental treatment. New technology has even changed the way that we X-ray patients’ teeth with digital X-rays becoming the go-to for many dentists. At Hoye Dental, we strive to provide patients with superior service by using up-to-date technology, including digital radiography.

Digital X-rays are taken in a similar manner to traditional X-rays that use film, but rather than placing film in the patient’s mouth, it is a digital sensor. This sensor is connected to an imaging program on a computer that projects the image for easy viewing by Dr. Kathleen Hoye. The digital projection allows her to view your teeth more closely and with better accuracy than traditional dental X-rays. Better images mean that there is a greater chance that the dentist will spot potential problems and be able to fix them before they become more serious or possibly more painful. In addition to better accuracy, digital radiography produces 90 percent less radiation than regular film X-rays, granting peace of mind to those who take X-rays frequently.

Whichever treatment you’re receiving at our practice, from a regular check-up to dental implants, we will strive to provide you with the best service with up-to-date technology.

To schedule an appointment with our Taunton, MA office, call 508-823-1600. For the Needham, MA office, call 781-444-4647. For more information on our practice, visit www.HoyeDental.com.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Thinking About Dentures?

Dentures are an option chosen by many of our patients at Hoye Dental. Available in both full and partial, dentures serve as a removable replacement for missing teeth.

If providing patients with full dentures, Dr. Kathleen Hoye will remove all the teeth from the patient’s mouth. With conventional dentures, the gums are given time to heal before the dentures are placed, which means that the patient does not have any teeth for several months. With immediate dentures, you would forgo this healing process with no teeth. Prior to having your teeth removed, the dentist would take measurements of your mouth in order to place dentures immediately after your teeth are removed. This type of full dentures requires a follow-up video to refit the dentures since the jaw bone will slightly change shape as your mouth heals.

Partial dentures are another option for those who do not need all their teeth to be removed. They are similar to bridges, except they are removable.

Whichever dentures our patients choose, they take time getting used to, and even though they are not real teeth, dentures should still be cared for as if they were. They should be brushed before removal and should be placed in room temperature water or cleaning solution overnight.

To find out if dentures are the right choice for you, schedule an appointment with us at either of our locations. Call 508-823-1600 for our Taunton, MA office and 781-444-4647 for our Needham, MA office. Visit www.HoyeDental.com for more information.